Exceptional projects

ELC has provided technical and design assistance to several exceptional projects and hydraulic structures. These stand out by their size, their lifetime, their importance for the community and the environment, their complexity and the risks which they might engender if not properly managed. Among these the Krami II, Lajanuri and Inguri in Georgia, Dniester HPP in Ukraine, Elgiin in Mongolia,Grand Inga, on the Zaire River; Dokan and Derbandikan and Deralok in Kurdistan, Dez, in Iran; Pancheswar, Kali-Gandaki and Gelephu on the Indian/ Nepalese / Bhutan borders; Kurobe, in Japan; Gilgel Gibe 1, 2 and 3 on and the Grand Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia.

ELC is currently working on the highest dam in the world, Rogun in Tajikistan, which is 340 m. tall.



On the competitive scene of the international engineering consulting services, ELC has capitalised 106 years of cumulated experience earning a sound reputation for lead edge technology, financial reliability, and environment friendly compliance.

ELC has developed close relationships with virtually all major international lending agencies, including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, JICA, Inter - American Development Bank, Commission of the European Community and an array of national development banks. As of 1.1. 2011 ELC has undertaken over 1.756 assignments in 88 Countries and it is ready to face newer, challenging ones.



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